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Class: Contemplate
Template engine that provides programming controls
Author: By
Last change: v.1.6.0

* local keyword to define literal local vars, some names are reserved
* literal code can communicate to and fro template code
* better variable parsing, any valid expression can be inside variable bracket notation
* update tests
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 16,260 bytes



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__1.6.0__ * define local variables that are literally accessible to literal code and vice-versa * variable parsing became better, can use any valid expression in variable bracket * update tests

__1.5.0__ * support including literal php/js/py code (properly indented), see examples and manual * stop compatibility mode support * drop localization support (user should include her own solution as plugins) * major refactor, some utility methods renamed (eg url -> urlencode) or removed (eg data, ucfirst/lcfirst, camelcase/snakecase, addslashes/stripslashes) * update tests

__1.4.0__ * support php-like object accesss notation (arrow notation ->) to support not only strictly arrays as template data but arbitrary objects as well. Support arbitrary chained prop/method access (works same for all js/php/python engines) * add get template directive to access arbitrary (nested) variable properties based on arbitrary expressions (arbitrary expressions not supported by literal object access notation above, see manual) and also access dynamic properties that use getter methods * add new template functions keys (php-like array_keys), values (php-like array_values), buildquery (php-like http_build_query), parsequery (php-like parse_str) * update tests and live examples along with contemplate grammar

__1.3.0__ * PHP/JS/PY: support custom template finder per context or even an array of possible template dirs in order to find templates dynamicaly not already added/defined (js engine supports both sync and async operations plus promise-based) (see manual for details) * PHP/JS/PY: add template function vsprintf similar to sprintf but accepts an array of arguments instead of them being passed individualy as separate arguments during function call (can be useful when needing to format string based on arguments from data or parameters) PY: try to implement sprintf/vsprintf functionality as close as possible to original php/js sprintf/vsprintf (uses old-style string formating with a couple of hacks, maybe in future use new-style .format method) JS: fix and complete async template loading, parsing and rendering (fix a small issue with async parsing not updating regex) and also dostatic analysis(during compilation) on dynamic templates used inside calling template (ie using tpl/template functions) andpre-load them async* (if in async opreation) in order to be rendered without blocking. If sync operations, everything functions as before PHP: handle dynamic function creation (eg for inline templates) for PHP < 7.2.0 and PHP >= 7.2.0 where create_function is deprecated

__1.2.5__ JS: enable asynchronous template loading, parsing and writing so that performance can be even greater in Node.js where sync methods may block. Contemplate.tpl, Contemplate.getTemplateContents, Contemplate.parseTpl all accept a callback (nodeback) as last argument with signature function(err, result) which if given all processing becomesasynchronous. Also if Promises are supported"promisified"* versions of the above methods exist i.e Contemplate.tplPromise, Contemplate.getTemplateContentsPromise, Contemplate.parseTplPromise all return a Promise which resolves and rejects accordingly. * PHP/PY: update versions

__1.2.0__ * PHP/JS/PY: enable templates subfolders and paths. Meaning a template id can have relative path in its name and same relative path will be created and mirrored in template cacheDir and served as such. This accomodates templates used for different purposes having same basename but differing in relative path and also reflects structure and organisation of original templates. This resolves the issue and also allows more flexibility in handling many different templates and template folder structures. If path does not exist in cache folder it will be created automaticaly. * add new template function queryvar to add/remove url query variables from given url (needed sometimes in templates) * add new template function striptags to strip html tags from string * add custom pluralForm callable (per context) for current locale. It specifies whether a singular or plural string is to be used based on numeric value given (eg a-la wordpress) (see manual how to set or clear) * locale/xlocale methods slightly changed signature and can accept an optional array/list of arguments which will be used to format the string to be localised a-la sprintf functionality (done automaticaly) (NOTE: limited sprintf support for python implementation) * JS/PY: empty function behaves now exactly like PHP's function, ie it returns true also for string with value "0"

__1.1.10__ * PHP: require exclusive lock when writing a compiled and cached template to disk * PY: make sure module is reloaded in case it is out of date when loading a template (as module) from disk. Seems to fix the failure to load/import template module if created just before loading * JS: update version

__1.1.9__ * PHP: use class_exists($class, false), JS/PY: update version numbers

__1.1.8__ * create_function is deprecated in PHP 7.2+, so eliminate use of create_function and use with @ operator to avoid php notices. It is not used but left there for compatibility. Maybe removed completely in another update

__1.1.7__ * minor changes for better code alignment/indentation * minor changes in rendering

__1.1.6__ * minor changes for faster basic templates * new function join / j to (flatly) string-concatenate arbitrary array (of arrays) with given separator

__1.1.5__ * new function in_array to test if array contains a value (similar to php) * new functions json_encode, json_decode (similar to php)

__1.1.4__ * lazier init for faster performance * new function is_array to test both if is array (strict) or is object new directive local_set to set/update alocal* variable * some further optimisation changes

__1.1.3__ * add continue and break loop constructs/directives * minor changes

__1.1.2__ * iif is a template directive instead of a function, so it functions exactly as inlined ternary-if statement * empty is a template directive instead of a function, so it functions exactly as php's empty directive * inline, at compile-time, more template functions (e.g concat) for faster execution * inlined plugins can receive passed arguments (via $ array parameter) both as (comma-separated) string ($0), plus each separate argument ($1..$n) * lazy init and rendering for inline templates and plugins for even faster execution * remove plural functions and add linguisticaly contexual localisation xlocale, nxlocale functions * cc function alias of concat * fix php-like date() function in python implementation (wrong day of week for Sunday)

__1.1.1__ * plugins (non-inlined) with empty arguments invalid output code generation, fixed * localisation settings accept a callback function as well for custom dynamic localisation (with optional extra arguments) * new localisation function nlocale for singular/plural dynamic localisation based on numeric parameter (1st argument)

__1.1.0__ * inline if function iif() * php-like empty() function * fix date() function in python implementation (wrong month,day of week) * fix not, or, and operator replacements in python implementation * minor changes

__1.0.0__ enable multiple dynamic contexts (see examples), different parts of an application can use the engine in amodular way, with their contextual template settings (including templates, caching, directories, locales, plugins, etc..)independantly* template directives, functions and pluginsno longer use* the % prefix i.e %for, %if, .. but for, if, .. if compatibility to older format is needed use Contemplate.setCompatibilityMode( true ) elifalias ofelseif, fialias of* endif * optimisations, typo fixes

__0.9.2__ * update/optimise date, localized_date methods * remove %html (htmlentities) method (not needed, can be added as plugin if needed, less code size) * ContemplateInlineTpl minor changes

__0.9.1__ * make %super(block) a construct (cannot be overriden via a plugin) * add %getblock(block) construct to return block content directly via function, can be useful when block content is needed as a parameter * %block construct can be defined without being echoed (like a container) using %block(blockID, false) * can override 'cacheDir' option in Contemplate.tpl call via options (experimental)

__0.9.0.1__ * add hasTpl(tpl) , hasPlugin(name) Contemplate methods

__0.9__ * make %htmltable , %htmlselect external plugins (reduce main engine code size etc) * add %super template function to reference a super block directly if needed in OO manner * defined plugins no longer take a plg_ prefix, the plugin name is exactly same as the given name defined (this way even built-in functions can be overriden in some cases)

__0.8.4__ * inlined plugins replace code accept the plugin arguments as well * fix subsequent plugin calls in templates, are not parsed/rendered correctly (php)

__0.8.3__ * refined BlockTag parsing (accurately parse blockTag, regardless of strings) * test examples provide a Contemplate tutorial, API reference as well

__0.8.2.1__ * Contemplate.js remove Function.bind dependency * tag new version

__0.8.2__ * InlineTemplate.multisplit_re method, split inlineTpl using regexps * Contemplate.php fix undefined __currentblock error * minor changes

__0.8.1__ * even faster rendering optimisations (esp. for javascript, reduce rendering function calls by one) * minor changes

__0.8__ * new template function %echo (similar to php function that echoes strings to the output) * %tpl (alias of %template, %template to be deprecated?) * %tpl, %template, %include, %extends, %block constructs/functions accept literal strings as (1st) argument (see examples) * minor edits * various optimisations, faster, more refined compilation and rendering

__0.7.1__ * handle loop variables as local (block-scoped) variables (not added or accessed to/from passed data) * various optimisations * (re-uploaded) fix inline templates rendering issue

__0.7__ * inline templates both in Contemplate templates (e.g as parameters to other functions) or in code * %inline template function, creates/renders inline templates * templates classes extend Contemplate.Tpl template class (Contemplate.InlineTpl also?) * minor updates

__0.6.12__ * python-style for-loops contructs (see manual and examples)

__0.6.11__ * remove Contemplate.addInline method, Contemplate.add handles both references and literal/inline templates * minor changes/updates

__0.6.10__ * optimise custom html esc method (Contemplate.js)

__0.6.9__ * enable plugin code inlining inside the compiled template * add a custom simpler/faster html escape function %e * minimise plugin naming convention (%plugin_pluginName, %plg_pluginName) * add html entinties escape mode as parameter (default= "ENT_COMPAT") * optimise htmlentities, count etc. methods from phpjs (Contemplate.js)

__0.6.8__ * option to create a template instance from pre-parsed template code returned from Contemplate.parseTpl method * minor changes

__0.6.7__ * make parse method public as Contemplate.parseTpl( tpl, options )

__0.6.6__ * remove render data initialisation/copy/isolation code from inside tpl.render methods (makes rendering a lot faster), user can copy data (once) using method if needed as needed * minor edits/optimizations (e.g in loops)

__0.6.5__ * enable associative and non-associative for loops (see examples) i.e for(o as k=>v) for(o as v) * minor edits/optimizations

__0.6.4__ * make faster and more precise (internal) template parsing/rendering * make faster and more precise blocks and nested block parsing Contemplate for Node.js isnot* global anymore * refactor/optimize

__0.6.3__ * add more options (e.g 'autoUpdate') per single template * fix some typos

__0.6.2__ * parse nested blocks * escape parse option (true by default), options syntax change (see manual)

__0.6.1__ enable template separators to be definedinsidea template or passed asparamaters*

__0.6__ * define template separators in the 1st line of a template (each tpl can define its own separators) * micro edits/changes

__0.5.3, 0.5.4__ * add %isset directive * change %has_key template function to %haskey * template directives parsing edits (accomodate nested directives in arguments)

__0.5.2__ * enable literal data to be used as a loop object (see examples) * php data func (deep object) fixed

__0.5.1__ * add %addslashes, %stripslashes tpl functions * updates / edits

__0.5__ * add support for custom (user-defined) plugins as template functions with addPlugin(name, handler) method * add support for setting/unsetting custom variables inside template (on-the-fly) with %set(var, val), %unset(var) directives * refine/optimize template parsing for strings and variables * support literal data notation with template functions and plugins also * updates / edits

__0.4.10__ * add custom codePrefix in cached templates

__0.4.9__ * add %uuid function (generate universal unique id)

__0.4.8__ * change %pluralise signature, unify Contemplate.add, Contemplate.addInline methods, edits, optimizations

__0.4.7__ * add %pluralise function, clearLocaleStrings, setPlurals, clearPlurals methods

__0.4.6__ * add %lowercase, %uppercase, %camelcase, %snakecase template functions (see manual)

__0.4.5__ * add %has_key template function (see manual)

__0.4.4__ * escape single quotes and parse template variables accurately

__0.4.3__ * Contemplate Engine for Python 2.x and 3.x * minor edits, generate formatted and anotated cached template code (better for debug) * tidy up repo * project stopped

__0.4.2__ * add clear (memory) method clearCache() * allow inline templates with addInline() method (see examples) * allow for() directive to handle an expression in place of an object ( so %for($data["subdata"] as $key=>$val) or other expressions WILL work) * allow to refresh the (memory) cache for a specific template (ie. Contemplate.tpl(tpl_id, data, refresh) ) refresh = true will refresh the (memory) cache (default false )

__0.4.1__ * parse template tags a little more accurately * minor edits/optimizations

__0.4__ * add template inheritance and block definitions * allow client-js template engine to load templates via ajax * add basic html/url escaping ( htmlentities , urlencode ) * minor edits/optimizations

__0.3.3__ * make Contemplate.js work with Nodejs , add nodejs server example (test.js) * add %count function (number of items in an array/object)

__0.3.2__ * make %htmltable %htmlselect constructs instead of functions (so literal data can be used also) * add %ltrim , %rtrim functions * minor fixes, edits

__0.3.1__ * add %q %dq functions (quote, double quote) * add %htmltable %htmlselect functions (render a html table with options, render a html select with options) * minor fixes, edits

__0.3__ * add %template directive * add template functions to manipulate dates and localized dates * add some javascript methods from phpjs project, (trim, sprintf, time, date), these are available as template functions (eg %sprintf, %trim, etc..) * make the Contemplate.js class compatible with both browser, node.js and requirejs configurations

__0.2__ * add %include directive * make template separators configurable (defaults are <% and %>) * add filesystem caching, refactor, optimize

__0.1__ * add localization options and template functions * initial release