PHP Classes

File: sepa_errormsg_en.json

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  Classes of Stefan Kientzler   PHP SEPA XML Generator   sepa_errormsg_en.json   Download  
File: sepa_errormsg_en.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP SEPA XML Generator
Generate SEPA XML to define a payment instructions
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 1,450 bytes



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{ "aIBAN": { "1": "The country code of the IBAN is not supported!", "2": "Invalid length of the IBAN!", "3": "The IBAN contains invalid characters!", "4": "Invalid IBAN checksum!" }, "aBIC": { "10": "Invalid BIC!", "11": "The country code of the BIC is not supported!" }, "aCI": { "20": "The country code of the CI is not supported!", "21": "Invalid length of the CI!", "22": "The CI contains invalid characters!", "23": "Invalid CI checksum!" }, "aPmtInf": { "1": "Name missing", "2": "IBAN missing", "4": "BIC missing", "8": "CI missing", "16": "Invalid IBAN", "32": "Invalid BIC", "64": "Invalid CI", "128": "Sequence type missing", "256": "Invalid sequence type" }, "aTxInf": { "1": "Name missing", "2": "IBAN missing", "4": "BIC missing", "16": "Invalid IBAN", "32": "Invalid BIC", "512": "SEPA mandate missing", "1024": "Invalid date of the SEPA mandate", "2048": "Usage text missing", "4096": "The value is 0.0 EUR", "8192": "Invalid transaction type", "16384": "Invalid date value" } }