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File: tokengrid.pdf.demo.php

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  Classes of AndrĂ© Liechti   Secure Token Grid Authentication   tokengrid.pdf.demo.php   Download  
File: tokengrid.pdf.demo.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: OPTIONAL - PDF token creation demo (needs
Class: Secure Token Grid Authentication
Generate grid of tokens, authenticate user with it
Author: By
Last change: Typo in description
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 3,075 bytes



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 * tokengrid PDF class :: Extend the tokengrid class with PDF output
 * Demo file, require tokengrid.pdf.class.php and TCPDF
 * TCPDF ( should be in directory ../tcpdf
$x_grid_size = 10; // Number of columns on the token card
$y_grid_size = 10; // Number of lines on the token card
$token_length = 4; // Number of characters in a token
$grid_salt = 'tokengridDEMO'; // Demo grid salt (specific to the application)
$grid_id = '44637673'; // Demo grid id (specific to the user)
$x_card_size = 86; // Card width (in mm)
$y_card_size = 54; // Card height (in mm)
$token_grid_pdf = new TokenGridPdf($x_grid_size, $y_grid_size, $token_length, $grid_salt, str_replace("//","/",dirname(__FILE__))."/../tcpdf/", str_replace("//","/",dirname(__FILE__))."/");
$token_grid_pdf->setDocumentProperties("TokenGrid","Automated generator","Generated TokenGrid #".$grid_id, "TokenGrid #".$grid_id);
$token_grid_pdf->setHeader("demo.logo.jpg",8,"Access Card", "My Company Ltd");
$token_grid_pdf->setStyleHeaderHonrizontal(array(80,80,255),array(255,255,255), 7, "vera", "B", 0.3,array(255,255,255));
$token_grid_pdf->setStyleHeaderVertical(array(80,80,255),array(255,255,255), 7, "vera", "B", 0.3,array(255,255,255));
$token_grid_pdf->setStyleCells(array(224,235,255),array(0,0,0), 6, "vera", "B", 0.3,array(255,255,255));
$token_grid_pdf->setImageFrontCard("", 'png');
$zone1 = $token_grid_pdf->addTextZone(0,50,"This is your new access card in order\nto access our extranet functionalities",'','C',0,1,0,50,false,0, false, array(255,255,255));
$token_grid_pdf->getTextZone($zone1)->setFont("vera", 15, array(80,80,255), "BU");

$zone2 = $token_grid_pdf->addTextZone(150,10,"Please keep this card safely with you.",'','L',0,1,0,80,true,0, false, array(255,255,255));
$token_grid_pdf->getTextZone($zone2)->setFont("vera", 10, array(0,0,0));
$zone3 = $token_grid_pdf->addTextZone(150,0,"If you are loosing your card, yan can call us directly at +41 12 345 67 89","BTLR",'C',0,1,30,200,true,0, false, array(255,255,255));
$token_grid_pdf->getTextZone($zone3)->setFont("vera", 9, array(0,0,0),'I');
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
$token_grid_pdf->GetPdfGrid($grid_id, "Grid #".$grid_id);
