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File: assets/js/doclinks.js

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  Classes of Manolo Salsas   Symfony Create Bundle Skeleton   assets/js/doclinks.js   Download  
File: assets/js/doclinks.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Symfony Create Bundle Skeleton
Application to create reusable Symfony Bundles
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 2,172 bytes



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'use strict'; // Wraps some elements in anchor tags referencing to the Symfony documentation $(function() { var $modal = $('#sourceCodeModal'); var $controllerCode = $modal.find('code.php'); var $templateCode = $modal.find('code.twig'); function anchor(url, content) { return '<a class="doclink" target="_blank" href="' + url + '">' + content + '</a>'; }; // Wraps links to the Symfony documentation $modal.find('.hljs-comment').each(function() { $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/https:\/\/\/doc\/[\w/.#-]+/g, function(url) { return anchor(url, url); })); }); // Wraps Symfony's annotations var annotations = { '@Cache': '', '@IsGranted': '', '@ParamConverter': '', '@Route': '', '@Security': '' }; $controllerCode.find('.hljs-doctag').each(function() { var annotation = $(this).text(); if (annotations[annotation]) { $(this).html(anchor(annotations[annotation], annotation)); } }); // Wraps Twig's tags $templateCode.find('.hljs-template-tag > .hljs-name').each(function() { var tag = $(this).text(); if ('else' === tag || tag.match(/^end/)) { return; } var url = '' + tag + '.html#' + tag; $(this).html(anchor(url, tag)); }); // Wraps Twig's functions $templateCode.find('.hljs-template-variable > .hljs-name').each(function() { var func = $(this).text(); var url = '' + func + '.html#' + func; $(this).html(anchor(url, func)); }); });