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File: config.php

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File: config.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration file for class (required)
Class: captchaCOLA
Show images for CAPTCHA validation with pictograms
Author: By
Last change: Editted debugging information.
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 10,293 bytes



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<?php /* Copyright 2007, Arpan Steven Yonzon Link: This file is part of captchaCOLA. captchCOLA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. captchaCOLA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with captchaCOLA. If not, see <>. ============================================================ Application Description ============================================================ A free open source Spam CAPTCHA System designed Application Name: captchaCola Version: 1.0 Date created: August 2007 License: --LGPL.txt-- ------------------------------------------------------------ About this page ------------------------------------------------------------ Defines the settings for the captchaCola class */ define('APPNAME', 'captchaCola'); /*---------------------------------------------------------- Error Reporting: Should be OFF for production servers. ------------------------------------------------------------ */ error_reporting(0);//uncomment for testing. /* --------------------------------------------------------------- CaptchaCola language settings (string) --------------------------------------------------------------- */ $language = "english"; /* --------------------------------------------------------------- Directory Settings for captchaCola --------------------------------------------------------------- Root directory settings for captchaCola Path/to/alphabet/image/files (array)(string) --------------------------------------------------------------- */ $captcha_dir = dirname(__FILE__); //root dir for captchaCola //swapping directory separator to Unix style for consistency $captcha_dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $captcha_dir); define('CAPTCHADIR', $captcha_dir . '/'); /*This is where the images reside. Rename if your directory is different from default "images" */ $image_dir = "images"; if (is_dir(CAPTCHADIR . $image_dir)) { define('IMAGEDIR', CAPTCHADIR . $image_dir . '/'); } else { exit("Could not locate image directory: <b>'{$image_dir}'</b>."); } /* Set path/to/alphabet/pictures/ Other language users need to set their alphabet directory here. Be sure to create/name the defined directory. */ $alphabet_location = array ( "a" => IMAGEDIR . "a/", "b" => IMAGEDIR . "b/", "c" => IMAGEDIR . "c/", "d" => IMAGEDIR . "d/", "e" => IMAGEDIR . "e/", "f" => IMAGEDIR . "f/", "g" => IMAGEDIR . "g/", "h" => IMAGEDIR . "h/", "i" => IMAGEDIR . "i/", "j" => IMAGEDIR . "j/", "k" => IMAGEDIR . "k/", "l" => IMAGEDIR . "l/", "m" => IMAGEDIR . "m/", "n" => IMAGEDIR . "n/", "o" => IMAGEDIR . "o/", "p" => IMAGEDIR . "p/", "q" => IMAGEDIR . "q/", "r" => IMAGEDIR . "r/", "s" => IMAGEDIR . "s/", "t" => IMAGEDIR . "t/", "u" => IMAGEDIR . "u/", "v" => IMAGEDIR . "v/", "w" => IMAGEDIR . "w/", "x" => IMAGEDIR . "x/", "y" => IMAGEDIR . "y/", "z" => IMAGEDIR . "z/", "0" => IMAGEDIR . "0/", "1" => IMAGEDIR . "1/", "2" => IMAGEDIR . "2/", "3" => IMAGEDIR . "3/", "4" => IMAGEDIR . "4/", "5" => IMAGEDIR . "5/", "6" => IMAGEDIR . "6/", "7" => IMAGEDIR . "7/", "8" => IMAGEDIR . "8/", "9" => IMAGEDIR . "9/" ); /* --------------------------------------------------------------- Captcha type: Output image settings --------------------------------------------------------------- Set the type of output image that captchaCola will generate Parameters accepted text - for text only captcha image picto - for pictograms (default) --------------------------------------------------------------- Note: parameter will default to "picto" if incorrectly set */ $cap_type = "picto"; /* --------------------------------------------------------------- Security code type: Output security code settings --------------------------------------------------------------- Set the type of security code that captchaCola will generate Parameters accepted alpha - for alphabet only code (default) number - for numeric only code both - for alpha-numeric code //safest option but could be confusing to some users --------------------------------------------------------------- Note: parameter will default to "alpha" if incorrectly set */ $code_type = "alpha"; /* --------------------------------------------------------------- Font settings (integer) --------------------------------------------------------------- Alternative settings for pictograms. If an image for an alphabet is not found, captchaCola will write an alternative text alphabet using this font or inbuilt font if not available. --------------------------------------------------------------- */ $fontsize = 18; //(integer) defaults to 12 if incorrectly set //Directory to font file. Rename if different. (Must be a sub-directory of "captcha" dir) $font_dir = "font"; $fontname = "verdanab.ttf"; //font to use - include extension e.g: *.ttf (font must be available) /* --------------------------------------------------------------- Secret word (string) --------------------------------------------------------------- A personal secret word to personalize your CAPTCHA implementation. This is appended to the generated security code. Provides added security. Write your own secret code. --------------------------------------------------------------- */ //$secret = "captchaCOLA"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------- End of user editable settings -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============================================================== !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Double-checking all parameters set by user Warning: IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, IT IS BEST THAT THE FOLLOWING IS LEFT ALONE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============================================================== !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------- */ //Double-check to see if alphabet directory exists foreach ($alphabet_location as $alphabet_dir) { if (!is_dir($alphabet_dir)) { exit("Could not locate: <b>$alphabet_dir</b>"); } } define('CAPTCHAFILENAME', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)); define('CAPTCHAEXT', '.' . pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); //double-check for correct parameters if (!is_string($cap_type)) { $cap_type = "picto"; } elseif ((trim($cap_type) !== "picto") and (trim($cap_type) !== "text")) { $cap_type = "picto"; } //double-check for correct parameters if (!is_string($code_type)) { $code_type = "alpha"; } elseif ((trim($code_type) !== "alpha") and (trim($code_type) !== "number") and (trim($code_type) !== "both")) { $code_type = "alpha"; } //double-check for correct parameters if (!is_int($fontsize) or ($fontsize <= 6)) { $fontsize = 12; } //check if font-file exists if (is_dir(CAPTCHADIR . $font_dir)) { define('FONTDIR', CAPTCHADIR . $font_dir . '/'); if (!file_exists(FONTDIR . $fontname)) { $fontname = ""; } else { $fontname = FONTDIR . $fontname; } } else { define('FONTDIR', ''); $fontname = ""; } //define SECRET /* if (!isset($secret) or $secret == "") { define('SECRET', 'captchaCOLA'); } else { define('SECRET', $secret); } */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- Check PHP version. This application requires PHP4 or higher. It is meaningless to go beyond this if version does not support GD library. Check if essential GD library is loaded. -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (phpversion() < 4) { exit("This application requires PHP version 4 or higher. Please update!"); } //check if GD extension is loaded if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { //load gd library $loadgd = dl('php_gd2.dll'); //above may not work if PHP is in 'safe mode' if ($loadgd == false) { exit("An essential component (GD) could not be loaded. The server is probably running in <b>Safe mode</b>. Contact server admin."); } } //garnish and serve require_once(CAPTCHADIR . 'captchacola' . CAPTCHAEXT); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Implementation -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $captchaClass = new captchaCola( $language, $cap_type, $code_type, $fontname, $fontsize, $alphabet_location ); $captchaClass->create_image(); ?>