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Use SSL certificates to process data with OpenSSL
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OpenSSLPkcs12Factory class

extends OpenSSLBase, implements OpenSSLInterface

Wrapper for PHP OpenSSL pkcs12 functions, encapsulates the pkcs12 (string) resource<br> Note: You need to have a valid openssl.cnf installed for this to operate correctly.<br> You will find convenient constants in OpenSSLInterface.<br> Require a Psr\Log logger, provided by LoggerDepot<br>

>Class properties

x509         resource|string
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate

privateKey   resource|string|array
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. For public keys only: an X.509 resource
               3. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               4. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               5 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array(key, passphrase)
                 where key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key

pkcs12passWord string
               Encryption password for unlocking the PKCS#12

args         array
               Optional array, other keys will be ignored
               'extracerts'   array of extra certificates or
                              a single certificate to be included in the PKCS#12 file.
               'friendlyname' string to be used for the supplied certificate and key

pkcs12       string
               The pkcs12 (string) resource

>Class constructor and factory methods

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::__construct( [ x509 [, privateKey [, pkcs12passWord [, args ]]]] )
If all but 'args' arguments are set, a new string pkcs12 are set ( using export)

x509         resource|string x509
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
privateKey   resource|string|array
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array(key, passphrase)
                 where key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
pkcs12passWord string
               Encryption password for unlocking the PKCS#12
args         array
               Optional array, other keys will be ignored
               'extracerts'   array of extra certificates or a single certificate to be included in the PKCS#12 file.
               'friendlyname' string to be used for the supplied certificate and key
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::factory( [ x509 [, privateKey [, pkcs12passWord [, args ]]]] )
If all but 'args' arguments are set, a new string pkcs12 are set ( using export)

x509         resource|string x509
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
privateKey   resource|string|array
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array(key, passphrase)
                 where key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
pkcs12passWord string
               Encryption password for unlocking the PKCS#12
args         array
               Optional array, other keys will be ignored
               'extracerts'   array of extra certificates or a single certificate to be included in the PKCS#12 file.
               'friendlyname' string to be used for the supplied certificate and key
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error
return static
static method

>Class logic methods

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::read( pkcs12 [, pkcs12passWord ] )
pkcs12       string
               1.  The certificate store content (not file)
               2.  'file://'-prefixed (!!) fileName with certificate store content
pkcs12passWord string
               Encryption password for unlocking the PKCS#12
return array   parsed PKCS#12 Certificate Store - uses openssl_pkcs12_read
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error
static method

'alias' of read
return array  array of parsed PKCS#12 Certificate Store
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error

derived from read
return array   array of (string PEM) certificates from parsed PKCS#12 Certificate Store
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error

derived from read
return array   array of (string PEM) (private) key(s)
               from parsed PKCS#12 Certificate Store
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::export( x509, privateKey, pkcs12passWord [, args ] )
uses openssl_pkcs12_export

x509         resource|string
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
privateKey   resource|string|array
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array(key, passphrase)
                 where key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
pkcs12passWord string
               Encryption password for unlocking the PKCS#12
args         array
               Optional array, other keys will be ignored
               'extracerts'   array of extra certificates or a single certificate to be included in the PKCS#12 file.
               'friendlyname' string to be used for the supplied certificate and key
return string  a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store in a PKCS#12 string (file) format
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::exportToFile( x509, fileName, privateKey, pkcs12passWord [, args ] )
uses openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file
Stores x509 into a file named by filename in a PKCS#12 file format.

x509         resource|string
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
fileName     string
privateKey   resource|string|array
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array(key, passphrase)
                 where key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
pkcs12passWord string
               Encryption password for unlocking the PKCS#12
args         array   Optional array, other keys will be ignored
               'extracerts'   array of extra certificates or a single certificate to be included in the PKCS#12 file.
               'friendlyname' string to be used for the supplied certificate and key
return bool   true on success
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::saveCertificateStoreIntoFile( fileName )
exportToFile wrapper
Save a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File

fileName     string
               Path to the output file.
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error

>Getters and setters etc

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::function getX509()
return resource|string  x509

return bool  true if x509 is set

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::setX509( x509 )
Set x509, removes any previously set pkcs12

x509         resource|string
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error

return array|resource|string

return bool  true if privateKey is set

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::setPrivateKey( privateKey )
Set privateKey, removes any previously set pkcs12

privateKey   array|resource|string
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. For public keys only: an X.509 resource
               3. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               4. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               5 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array(key, passphrase)
                 where key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error

 return string

return bool  if pkcs12passWord is set

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::setPkcs12PassWord( pkcs12passWord )
pkcs12passWord  string

return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error

return array

return bool  true if args is set

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::setArgs( args )
args         array

return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error

If empty pkcs12 and x509 and privateKey (opt pkcs12PassWord and args) properties are set,
  a new string pkcs12 are set first ( using export)
return string  the pkcs12 as string
throws RuntimeException on error

return bool   true if pkcs12 is set

OpenSSLPkcs12Factory::setPkcs12( pkcs12 [, pkcs12passWord ] )
pkcs12          string
pkcs12passWord  string

return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error

Usage and examples

Please review test/OpenSSLPkcs12FactoryTest.php




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