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  Classes of Nahid Bin Azhar   PHP Link to HTML   Download  
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHP Link to HTML
Convert URLs and email addresses into HTML links
Author: By
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,540 bytes



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This a Linkify Laravel 5 supported package. Its converts URLs and email addresses into clickable links. It works on both snippets of HTML (or plain text) and complete HTML pages.

There are many regex variations shared on the internet for performing this task, but few are robust. Linkify contains a large number of unit tests to counter this.

It does not cover every possible valid-yet-never-used URLs and email addresses in order to handle 'real world' usage (eg no 'gopher://'). This means, for example, that it copes better with punctuation errors.


  • Main Author : Chris Wilkinson <>
  • Laravel Support : Nahid Bin Azhar <>

It uses regex based on John Gruber's Improved Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching URLs.


1. Add Linkify to your dependencies:

    // composer.json

       // ...
       "require": {
           // ...
           "nahid/linkify": "1.1.*"

2. Use Composer to download and install Linkify:

    $ php composer.phar update Nahid/linkify

3. open config/app.php and in providers array add this line


and in aliases array add this line too

'Linkify' => Nahid\Linkify\Facades\Linkify::class,

4. Open terminal and goto your project and run this command

composer dump-autoload


    $text = 'This is my text containing a link to';

    echo Linkify::process($text);

Will output:

    This is my text containing a link to <a href=""></a>.


Options set on the constructor will be applied to all links. Alternatively you can place the options on a method call. The latter will override the former.

    $linkify = new \Nahid\Linkify\Linkify(array('attr' => array('class' => 'foo')));
    $text = 'This is my text containing a link to';

    echo $linkify->process($text);

Will output:

    This is my text containing a link to <a href="" class="foo"></a>.


    $linkify = new \Nahid\Linkify\Linkify(array('attr' => array('class' => 'foo')));
    $text = 'This is my text containing a link to';

    echo $linkify->process($text, array('attr' => array('class' => 'bar')));

Will output:

    This is my text containing a link to <a href="" class="bar"></a>.

Available options are:


An associative array of HTML attributes to add to the link. For example:

    array('attr' => array('class' => 'foo', 'style' => 'font-weight: bold; color: red;')


A closure to call with each url match. The closure will be called for each URL found with three parameters: the url, the caption and a boolean isEmail (if $isEmail is true, then $url is equals to $caption.

If the callback return a non-null value, this value replace the link in the resulting text. If null is returned, the usual <a href="URL">CAPTION</a> is used.

    $linkify = new \Nahid\Linkify\Linkify(array('callback' => function($url, $caption, $isEmail) {
        return '<b>' . $caption . '</b>';
    echo $linkify->process('This link will be converted to bold:'));