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File: awfDialog/examples/GradientBuilder/steps.php

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File: awfDialog/examples/GradientBuilder/steps.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: server-side ajax callback for this example
Class: awfDialog Wizard
Generate wizard-like Web user interface using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: v 1.2 update
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 6,540 bytes



Class file image Download
//Version 1.2 (final)
$str1="<b>Click the button to initialize a color picker, or type in a Hexidecimal color code to use for the top color of your vertical gradient:</b><br><br>";
$strHelp="<b>What is a hexacedimal color code?</b> Hex codes are specially designed, 6-character codes that can be interpretted to any one of millions of colors.<br><br>You don't have to memorize millions of hex codes in order to use them. Click the color-picker button below, then on the text box, and you'll be able to dynamically explore hexadecimal color codes for yourself. <br><br>You can learn more about hex colors at <A href=''>W3Schools</a>.";
$title="Step 1: Top Color";
$icon = ICON_WIZARD;
$hideHex1 = false;
$hideHex2 = true;
$hideSize = true;
$prev = false;
$cancel = false;
$next = true;
$str1="<b>Click the button to initialize a color picker, or type in a Hexidecimal color code to use for the bottom color of your vertical gradient:</b><br><br>";
$strHelp="<b>What is a hexacedimal color code?</b> Hex codes are specially designed, 6-character codes that can be interpretted to any one of millions of colors.<br><br>You don't have to memorize millions of hex codes in order to use them. Click the color-picker button below, then on the text box, and you'll be able to dynamically explore hexadecimal color codes for yourself. <br><br>You can learn more about hex colors at <A href=''>W3Schools</a>.";
$title="Step 2: Bottom Color";
$icon = ICON_WIZARD;
$hideHex1 = true;
$hideHex2 = false;
$hideSize = true;
$prev = true;
$cancel = false;
$next = true;
$str1="<b>Set the width and height values to use for the image. Note, maximum size for this demo is 100x100:</b><br><br>";
$title="Step 3: Dimensions";
$icon = ICON_WIZARD;
$hideHex1 = true;
$hideHex2 = true;
$hideSize = false;
$prev = true;
$cancel = false;
$next = true;
$str1="<b>The settings below will be used to generate your image. If they are correct, click the Next button to see the results, else go Back to modify parameters as needed:</b><br><br>";
$title="Step 4: Confirm Settings";
$icon = ICON_WIZARD;
$hideHex1 = true;
$hideHex2 = true;
$hideSize = true;
$prev = true;
$cancel = false;
$next = true;
$str1="<b>Alakhazam-Viola!!!<br><br>Below is the image you built using this wizard. Right-click and save it using any filename you like.</b><br><br>";
$title="Wizard Complete!";
$hideHex1 = true;
$hideHex2 = true;
$hideSize = true;
$prev = true;
$cancel = false;
$next = false;
$disclaim="<small>Note: if you are not seeing changes you made to the above image you probably need to clear your browser cache, especially if you did NOT change image dimensions.</small>";
$str1="<b>Click the button to initialize a color picker, or type in a Hexidecimal color code to use for the top color of your vertical gradient:</b><br>".$wizstep."<br>";
$title="Step 1: Top Color";
$icon = ICON_WIZARD;
$hideHex1 = false;
$hideHex2 = true;
$hideSize = true;
$prev = false;
$cancel = false;
$next = true;
$m1 = new awfDialog('D1',$title,$str1, $icon,false,575);
    if (
$m1->SetCSS("HelpPane", "padding:5px;background:url(\"../../lib/image2.php?from=E0F7FF&to=FFFFFF&w=400&h=200&d=true\");border-bottom:3px double #295D73;text-align:left;margin-bottom:5px;");
$m1->SetCSS("HelpPane a", "color:#5D7321;");
$m1->SetCSS("WizButtons", "margin:10px;");
$m1->SetCSS("WizardPane", "background:#000");
$m1->SetCSS("BodyPane", "padding:3px 5px;");
//If the gradient image output string has been properly set up add the results to the dialog output
if (strlen($img)>0) {
$m1->AddOutput("<img src='".$img."'><br>");
    } else {
      if (
strlen($hex1)>0) $m1->AddOutput("<div style='width:".$width.";background:#".$hex1."'>#".$hex1."</div>");
      if (
strlen($hex2)>0) $m1->AddOutput("<div style='width:".$width.";background:#".$hex2."'>#".$hex2."</div><br>");
      if (
strlen($width)>0) $m1->AddOutput("Size: ".$width." x ".$height."<br>");
    if (
$hideHex1) {
$m1->AddOutput("<input type='hidden' id='Hex1' value='".$hex1."'>\n");
    } else{
$m1->AddOutput("#<input type='text' id='Hex1' value='".$hex1."' class='color'><img src='".$m1->dImagePath."wizColorPicker.gif' style='cursor:pointer;' onClick=\"jscolor_init()\" align=bottom>\n");
    if (
$hideHex2) {
$m1->AddOutput("<input type='hidden' id='Hex2' value='".$hex2."'>\n");
    } else {
$m1->AddOutput("#<input type='text' id='Hex2' value='".$hex2."' class='color'><img src='".$m1->dImagePath."wizColorPicker.gif' style='cursor:pointer;' onClick=\"jscolor_init()\" align=bottom>\n");
    if (
$m1->AddOutput("<input type='hidden' id='Width' value='".$width."'>\n");
$m1->AddOutput("<input type='hidden' id='Height' value='".$height."'>\n");
    } else {
$m1->AddOutput("<input type='text' size=4 id='Width' value='".$width."'> x \n");
$m1->AddOutput("<input type='text' size=4 id='Height' value='".$height."'>\n");
    if (
$prev) $m1->SetAjaxPrev("doStep(".$prevstep.")");
    if (
$cancel) $m1->SetAjaxCancel("doCancel()");
    if (
$next) $m1->SetAjaxNext("doStep(".$nextstep.")");