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File: vendor/mockery/mockery/.travis.yml

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  Classes of Abed Nego Ragil Putra   PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner   vendor/mockery/mockery/.travis.yml   Download  
File: vendor/mockery/mockery/.travis.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner
Manage inventory stock using scanner application
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 2,628 bytes



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sudo: false language: php matrix: allow_failures: - php: hhvm - php: 7.4snapshot - php: nightly fast_finish: true include: - php: 5.6 env: - DEPS=lowest - php: 5.6 env: - DEPS=latest - php: 5.6 env: - PHPUNIT=minimum - DEPS=latest - php: 7.0 env: - DEPS=lowest - php: 7.0 env: - DEPS=latest - php: 7.1 env: - DEPS=lowest - php: 7.1 env: - DEPS=latest - php: 7.2 env: - DEPS=lowest - php: 7.2 env: - DEPS=latest - php: 7.3 env: - DEPS=lowest - php: 7.3 env: - DEPS=latest - php: 7.4snapshot env: - DEPS=lowest - php: 7.4snapshot env: - DEPS=latest - php: nightly env: - DEPS=lowest - php: nightly env: - DEPS=latest - php: hhvm env: - DEPS=lowest - php: hhvm env: - DEPS=latest cache: directories: - .composer/cache before_install: - alias composer=composer\ -n && composer self-update install: - if [[ $PHPUNIT == 'minimum' ]]; then sed -i 's/~5.7|/5.4.*|/g' ./composer.json ; fi - if [[ $DEPS == 'latest' ]]; then travis_retry composer update --no-interaction ; fi - if [[ $DEPS == 'lowest' ]]; then travis_retry composer update --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable --no-interaction ; fi before_script: # Install extensions for PHP 5.x series. 7.x includes them by default. - | if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 5.* ]]; then cat <<< ' ' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/"$(phpenv version-name)"/etc/conf.d/travis.ini fi script: - | if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 5.* ]]; then ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --coverage-clover="build/logs/clover.xml" --testsuite="Mockery Test Suite PHP56"; else ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --coverage-clover="build/logs/clover.xml" --testsuite="Mockery Test Suite"; fi after_success: - composer require satooshi/php-coveralls - vendor/bin/coveralls -v - wget - php ocular.phar code-coverage:upload --format=php-clover "build/logs/clover.xml" - make apidocs notifications: email: - - irc: deploy: overwrite: true provider: pages file_glob: true file: docs/api/* local_dir: docs/api skip_cleanup: true github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN on: branch: master php: '7.1' condition: $DEPS = latest