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File: scanner_config.example.php

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  Classes of Insolita   Unused PHP Composer Packages Scanner   scanner_config.example.php   Download  
File: scanner_config.example.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Unused PHP Composer Packages Scanner
Detect packages in a composer project that unused
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 2,865 bytes



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 * Set $projectPath = getcwd(); if your put it under project root
$projectPath = __DIR__ . '/my/project/';

 * Array of full directories path for scan;
 * Scan will be recursive
 * Put directories with most intensive imports in top of list for more quick result
 * @see
$scanDirectories = [
$projectPath . '/config/',
$projectPath . '/Acme/',
$projectPath . '/controllers/',
$projectPath . '/console/',
$projectPath . '/models/',
$projectPath . '/modules/',
$projectPath . '/services/',

$scanFiles = [
$projectPath . '/autocomplete.php',
 * Names relative to ones of scanDirectories
 * @see
$excludeDirectories = [
return [
     * Required params
'composerJsonPath' => $projectPath . '/composer.json',
'vendorPath' => $projectPath . '/vendor/',
'scanDirectories' => $scanDirectories,
     * Optional params
'skipPackages' => [], //List of packages that must be excluded from verification
'excludeDirectories' => $excludeDirectories,
'scanFiles' => $scanFiles,
'extensions' => ['*.php'],
'requireDev' => false, //Check composer require-dev section, default false
     * Optional, custom logic for check is file contains definitions of package
     * @example
     * 'customMatch'=> function($definition, $packageName, \Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo $file):bool{
     * $isPresent = false;
     * if($packageName === 'phpunit/phpunit'){
     * $isPresent = true;
     * }
     * if($file->getExtension()==='twig'){
     * $isPresent = customCheck();
     * }
     * return $isPresent;
     * }
'customMatch'=> null,
     * Report mode options
     * Report mode enabled, when reportPath value is valid directory path
     * !!!Note!!! The scanning time and memory usage will be increased when report mode enabled,
     * it sensitive especially for big projects and when requireDev option enabled
'reportPath' => null, //path in directory, where usage report will be stores;
     * Optional custom formatter (by default report stored as json)
     * $report array format
     * [
     * 'packageName'=> [
     * 'definition'=>['fileNames',...]
     * ....
     * ]
     * ...
     * ]
     * @example
     * 'reportFormatter'=>function(array $report):string{
     * return print_r($report, true);
     * }
'reportExtension'=>null, //by default - json, set own, if use custom formatter