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File: .travis.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Cycle DataMapper ORM
Store and retrieve objects in a database using ORM
Author: By
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,240 bytes



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language: php sudo: required services: - docker php: - 7.2 - 7.3 env: - "DB=ALL COVERAGE=ALL" before_install: - cd tests - docker-compose up -d - cd .. - bash ./tests/ install: - composer install --no-interaction --prefer-source script: - vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=coverage.xml after_success: - bash <(curl -s -f coverage.xml jobs: include: # Testing various PostgresSQL version - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: postgresql: "9.2" env: - "DB=postgres POSTGRES=9.2" before_install: - psql -c 'create database spiral;' -U postgres script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/Postgres - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: postgresql: "9.3" env: - "DB=postgres POSTGRES=9.3" before_install: - psql -c 'create database spiral;' -U postgres script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/Postgres - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: postgresql: "9.4" env: - "DB=postgres POSTGRES=9.4" before_install: - psql -c 'create database spiral;' -U postgres script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/Postgres - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: postgresql: "9.5" env: - "DB=postgres POSTGRES=9.5" before_install: - psql -c 'create database spiral;' -U postgres script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/Postgres - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: postgresql: "9.6" env: - "DB=postgres POSTGRES=9.6" before_install: - psql -c 'create database spiral;' -U postgres script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/Postgres - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: postgresql: "10.0" env: - "DB=postgres POSTGRES=10.0" before_install: - bash ./tests/ - psql -c 'create database spiral;' -U postgres script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/Postgres # MariaDB - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: mariadb: "10.0" env: - "DB=mariadb MARIADB=10.0 PHP=7.1" before_install: - sudo bash ./tests/ - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE spiral;' script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/MySQL - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: mariadb: "10.0" env: - "DB=mariadb MARIADB=10.0" before_install: - sudo bash ./tests/ - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE spiral;' script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/MySQL - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: mariadb: "10.1" env: - "DB=mariadb MARIADB=10.1" before_install: - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE spiral;' script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/MySQL - stage: Test php: 7.2 addons: mariadb: "10.2" env: - "DB=mariadb MARIADB=10.2" before_install: - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE spiral;' script: - vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ORM/Driver/MySQL