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  Classes of Muhammad Umer Farooq   PHP Encryption Library   Download  
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Class: PHP Encryption Library
Encrypt and decrypt data using adapter classes
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PHP Encryption

Encryption in PHP.


  1. PHP 7 (7.3 Recommanded).
  2. Composer.
  3. openSSL php extension.
  4. Sodium php extension for use sodium adapter.


Installing this package is very simple, first ensure you have the right PHP version and composer installed then in your terminal/(command prompt) run:

## Encrypt
You can encrypt string by calling to encrypt method

<?php use Lablnet\Encryption; require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$encryption = new Encryption();

//Encrypt the message $encrypt = $encryption->encrypt("This is a text");

echo $encrypt;

### Decrypt
You can decrypt token by calling decrypt method 

<?php use Lablnet\Encryption; require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$encryption = new Encryption();

//Decrypt the message $decrypt = $encryption->decrypt($encrypt); echo $decrypt;

### Adapter
This Package support two encryption adapter
- OpenSSL
- Sodium

Default openSSL will use,
you can use any one you want.

### change Adapter
You can pass supported adapter to class like

Use of sodium

<?php use Lablnet\Encryption; require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$encryption = new Encryption('sodium');

Use of openSSL

<?php use Lablnet\Encryption; require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$encryption = new Encryption('openssl');

//You can also provide your own key for openSSL $encryption1 = new Encryption('openssl','my-key');