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File: api5/api5/services/api5.php

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File: api5/api5/services/api5.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Execute SQL queries and return JSON responses
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 43,512 bytes



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<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file is part of API5 RESTful SQLtoJSON | | Copyright (C) 2007-2018, Santo Nuzzolillo | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the LICENSE file for a full license statement. | | | | Pduction | | Date : 02/12/2018 | | Time : 05:30:44 PM | | Version: 0.0.1 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Santo Nuzzolilo <> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ set_error_handler("all_errors_handler", E_ALL); register_shutdown_function( "check_for_fatal" ); function check_for_fatal() { $error = error_get_last(); if ( $error["type"] == E_ERROR ) { ob_clean(); error_manager(addslashes("API5 unhandled exception (type=" . $error["type"] . ") \"" . $error["message"] . "\" -> " . $error["file"] . " on " . $error["line"] . "") , -20999); } } function all_errors_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { error_manager(addslashes("API5 unhandled exception $errno:$errstr -> $errfile on $errline"), -20998); } define("RelativePath", ".."); define("PathToCurrentPage", "/services/"); define("FileName", "api5.php"); require_once(RelativePath . "/Common.php"); require_once(RelativePath . "/services/dosqlClasses.php"); include_once(RelativePath . "/services/cryptojs-aes/cryptojs-aes.php"); include_once(RelativePath . "/services/cryptojs-aes/cryptojs-aes.php"); require_once RelativePath . '/services/JWT/Firebase/JWT.php'; global $CONFIG; $CONFIG = file_get_contents("../textdb/default.config.php"); $CONFIG = json_decode_and_validate(clsCore::getSqlParsed(clsCore::sqlSplitFromStringWithTags($CONFIG,'config'),'config'),'API5'); global $AESpassPhrase; $AESpassPhrase = isset($CONFIG->AESpassPhrase) ? $CONFIG->AESpassPhrase : "" ; $tokenKey = isset($CONFIG->tokenKey) ? $CONFIG->tokenKey : ""; $headers = apache_request_headers(); if(isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]) && strpos($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"], "application/json") !== false) { $_POST = array_merge($_POST, (array) json_decode(trim(file_get_contents('php://input')), true)); $_POST = array_merge($_POST, clsCore::parse_raw_http_request()); } $token = CCGetFromPost("token", ""); if (!$token) { if (isset($headers['Authorization'])) { $matches = array(); preg_match('/token=(.*)/', $headers['Authorization'], $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $token = $matches[1]; } } } header('Content-type:application/json;charset=utf-8'); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); set_time_limit(0); if (!$token and $CONFIG->tokenRequired) { error_manager('Auhorization : Token required ', "SYS-5"); } if ($token != "inside") { if ($CONFIG->tokenRequired) { $decoded = JWT::decode($token, $tokenKey, array('HS256')); try { $appData = json_decode($decoded->data); if (json_last_error()) { throw new Exception ('JSON ERROR ' . json_last_error()); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_manager('Unmanaged Error ( ' . $e . ')', 20001); } } if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) { error_manager(1); } if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"])) { error_manager('non Ajax request detected from '.$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"].' to '.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"],2); } $REFER = parse_url($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], PHP_URL_HOST); if (!$REFER === $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) { error_manager(3); } $XRF = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]; if (!strtoupper($XRF) === "XMLHTTPREQUEST") { error_manager('bad Ajax request detected',4); } } $resultAction = CCGetParam("action", "all"); $action = CCGetParam("action", "all"); $loginType = strtoupper(CCGetParam("logintype", "LOCAL")); $SQL = CCGetParam("SQL", ""); $BIND = CCGetParam("BIND","{}"); try { $BIND = json_decode($BIND); if (json_last_error()) { throw new Exception ('JSON ERROR '.json_last_error()); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_manager('BAD BINDED values ( '.$e.')', 20002); } $SorterName = CCGetParam('sortdatafield'); $SorterDirection = CCGetParam('sortorder'); $sourceName = CCGetParam("sourcename", "default"); $jsonStyle = strtoupper(CCGetParam("jsonstyle", "OBJECT")); $includeResult = CCGetParam("icluderesult", "1"); $includeInfo = CCGetParam("icludeinfo", "1"); $includeHeader = CCGetParam("icludeheader", "1"); $includeError = CCGetParam("includeerror", "1"); $transactiontype = strtoupper(CCGetParam("transactiontype", CCGetParam("__transaction_type","QUERY"))); $_SESSION["CONNECTED"] = array(); $_SESSION["CONNECTED"][$sourceName] = new stdClass(); if ($sourceName != 'default' and (!isset($_SESSION["CONNECTED"]) or !isset($_SESSION["CONNECTED"][$sourceName]) ) ) { die('{"ERROR" : {"CODE":"2","MESSAGE":"NOT CONNECTED TO DATABASE '.$sourceName.'."}}'); } if (!$SQL and !($transactiontype == 'LOGIN' and ($loginType == 'DATABASE' or $loginType == 'OS'))) { error_manager('NON SQL ','SYS-'.'10'); } if (!$sourceName) { error_manager('No datasource (or sourcename) defined ','SYS-'.'11'); } if (!file_exists("../textdb/" . $sourceName . ".sources.json.php")) { error_manager('Source name (sourcename or datasource) \"'.$sourceName. '\" do not exists.', 'SYS-'.'12'); } $datasource = file_get_contents("../textdb/" . $sourceName . ".sources.json.php"); $datasource = json_decode_and_validate($datasource, "Setting datasource $sourceName ",true); if (json_last_error()) { echo json_last_error_msg()."\n"; } $CCConnectionSettings[$sourceName] = $datasource; $DBmetadata = new clsDBdefault(); if ($transactiontype == 'LOGIN') { APILoginUser($SQL, $loginType); die; } else if ($transactiontype == 'QUERY') { $sourceSQL = clsCore::sqlBindVariables($SQL, $BIND); $Tpl = ""; $TemplateFileName = ""; $BlockToParse = ""; $ComponentName = ""; $Attributes = ""; $CCSEvents = ""; $CCSEventResult = ""; $TemplateSource = ""; $BlockToParse = "main"; $TemplateEncoding = "UTF-8"; $ContentType = "application/json"; $Charset = $Charset ? $Charset : "utf-8"; $PathToRoot = "../"; $CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($CCSEvents, "BeforeInitialize", $MainPage); $DBmyDB = new clsDBdefault(); $MainPage->Connections[$sourceName] = &$DBmyDB; $Attributes = new clsAttributes("page:"); $Attributes->SetValue("pathToRoot", $PathToRoot); $MainPage->Attributes = &$Attributes; $WhereCondition = buildWhereCondition(); if ($WhereCondition) { } $Result = new clsSqlResult("", $MainPage, $sourceSQL, $WhereCondition, $SorterName, $SorterDirection); $Result->Initialize(); if ($action == "headeronly") { $header = $Result->Metadata->colsbyname; clsCore::returnJson( '{}' , '{"CODE":"0", "MESSAGE" : "SUCCESS"}' , '{"DB_TYPE":"'.$CCConnectionSettings[$sourceName]["Type"].'"}' , $header ); } $Result->Show(); if ($action == "dataonly") { clsCore::returnJson(false, false, false, false, false, $Result->Records); } clsCore::returnJson( $Result->Records , $includeError ? '{"CODE":"0", "MESSAGE" : "SUCCESS"}' : false , '{"RECORDS_COUNT":"' . $Result->DataSource->RecordsCount . '", "CURRENT_PAGENUMBER":"' . $Result->PageNumber . '", "CURRENT_PAGESIZE":"' . (strtoupper($Result->PageSize) == 'ALL' ? $Result->RowNumber : $Result->PageSize) . '" }' , $includeHeader ? $Result->Metadata->colsbyname : false ); } else if ($transactiontype == "DML" ){ $Result = new clsDMLResult($SQL); die; } else if ($transactiontype == "TABLE" ){ clsCore::sqlTableOperation(); } else if ($transactiontype == "HRCHY" ){ include_once './dosqlHerachies.php'; $c = new clsHierarchiesResult($SQL, $jsonStyle); } else { error_manager('Transaction Type "'.$transactiontype. '"" do not exists.', 21); } exit; function changeFunctions(&$in_obj, &$sec, &$value_arr, &$replace_keys) { foreach($in_obj as $key => &$value){ if (is_object($value) or is_array($value)) changeFunctions($value, $sec, $value_arr, $replace_keys ); else { if (strpos($value, 'function(') === 0) { $value_arr[] = $value; $value = '%' . $key . '-' . $sec++ . '%'; $replace_keys[] = '"' . $value . '"'; } } } } function MetaStandardType($DBtype, $DATAtype, $DATAscale = 0) { switch ($DBtype) { case "ORACLE" : switch($DATAtype) { case "2": if ($DATAscale > 0) return ccsFloat; else return ccsInteger; break; case "182": case "183": return ccsInteger; break; case "1": case "8": case "11": case "96": case "112": case "180": case "181": case "231": return ccsText; break; case "12": return ccsDate; break; default : return null; break; } case "MYSQLDESC" : switch($DATAtype) { case "char" : case "varchar" : case "binary" : case "varbinary" : case "blob" : case "text" : case "enum" : case "set" : return ccsText; break; case "date" : case "time" : case "datetime" : case "timestamp" : case "year" : return ccsDate; break; case "decimal" : case "numeric" : case "float" : case "double" : case "dec" : case "fixed" : case "real" : case "bit" : return ccsFloat; break; case "tinyint" : case "smallint" : case "mediumint" : case "int" : case "bigint" : return ccsInteger; break; default: return ccsText; break; } case "MYSQL" : switch($DATAtype) { case "string": return ccsText; break; case "timestamp": case "year": case "int": case "time": return ccsInteger; break; case "real": return ccsFloat; break; case "date": return ccsDate; break; default: return ccsText; break; } case "MYSQLI" : switch($DATAtype) { case "1" : case "2" : case "3" : case "8" : case "9" : case "11" : case "13" : return ccsInteger; break; case "4" : case "5" : case "6" : case "246" : return ccsFloat; break; case "7" : case "10" : case "12" : return ccsDate; break; case "252" : case "253" : case "254" : return ccsText; break; default: return ccsText; break; } } return null; } function mysqliMetadata(& $db) { $id = $db->Query_ID; $META = new stdClass(); $i = 0; $META->cols = array(); while ($property = mysqli_fetch_field($id)) { $col = strtolower($property->name); $type = $property->type; $standarType = MetaStandardType("MYSQLI",$type); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ] = new stdClass(); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"type"} = $standarType ; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"type_raw"} = $type; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"size"} = intval($standarType == 3 ? $property->length / 3 : $property->length); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"precision"} = $property->decimals; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"scale"} = $property->decimals; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"is_null"} = !(MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG & $property->flags) ; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"primary_key"} = !(!(MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG & $property->flags)) ; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"auto_increment"} = !(!(MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG & $property->flags)) ; $META->cols[ $i ] = new stdClass(); $META->cols[ $i ]->{"type"} = $standarType; $META->cols[ $i ]->{"type_raw"} = $type; $META->cols[ $i ]->{"size"} = $property->length; $META->cols[ $i ]->{"precision"} = $property->decimals; $META->cols[ $i ]->{"scale"} = $property->decimals; $META->cols[ $i ]->{"is_null"} = !(MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG & $property->flags) ; $META->cols[ $i ]->{"primary_key"} = !(!(MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG & $property->flags)) ; $META->cols[ $i ]->{"auto_increment"} = !(!(MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG & $property->flags)) ; $i++; } return $META; } function oracleMetadata(& $db) { $id = $db->Query_ID; $META = new stdClass(); $META->cols = array(); for($ix=1;$ix<=OCINumcols($id);$ix++) { $col = oci_field_name($id, $ix); $type = oci_field_type_raw($id,$ix); $presicion = oci_field_precision($id,$ix); $escala = oci_field_scale($id,$ix); $standarType = MetaStandardType("ORACLE",$type, $escala); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ] = new stdClass(); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"type"} = $standarType; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"precision"} = $presicion; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"scale"} = $escala; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"size"} = oci_field_size($id,$ix); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"is_null"} = oci_field_is_null($id,$ix); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"type_raw"} = $type; $META->cols[ $ix - 1 ] = new stdClass(); $META->cols[ $ix - 1 ]->{"type"} = $standarType; $META->cols[ $ix - 1 ]->{"precision"} = $presicion; $META->cols[ $ix - 1 ]->{"scale"} = $escala; $META->cols[ $ix - 1 ]->{"size"} = oci_field_size($id,$ix); $META->cols[ $ix - 1 ]->{"is_null"} = oci_field_is_null($id,$ix); $META->cols[ $ix - 1 ]->{"type_raw"} = $type; } return $META; } function metadata(& $db) { $re = "/ORDER BY.*?(?=\\s*LIMIT|\\)|$)/mi"; $sql = preg_replace($re, "", $db->Parent->Query); $tipo = $db->Type; if ( !(CCGetParam("action", "") == "headeronly") or strtoupper($tipo) == 'ORACLE') { $db->query("select * from ($sql) any_table where 1=2"); if ($db->Errors->ToString()) { die("Error ... " . $this->Errors->ToString()); } $id = $db->Query_ID; if (!$id){ $db->Errors->addError("Metadata query failed: No query specified."); return false; } } $META = new stdClass(); switch (strtoupper($tipo)) { case "ORACLE" : return oracleMetadata($db); break; case "MYSQL" : if (CCGetParam("action", "") == "headeronly" and CCGetParam("statement_type", "table") == "table") { $tables = extratTablesOnSQL($db->Parent->Query); if (count($tables) === 1) { return mysqlDescribe($db, $tables[0]); } else { $db->query("select * from ($sql) any_table where 1=2"); if ($db->Errors->ToString()) { die("Error ... " . $this->Errors->ToString()); } $id = $db->Query_ID; if (!$id){ $db->Errors->addError("Metadata query failed: No query specified."); return false; } return mysqliMetadata($db); } } else { $db->query("select * from ($sql) any_table where 1=2"); if ($db->Errors->ToString()) { die("Error ... " . $this->Errors->ToString()); } $id = $db->Query_ID; if (!$id){ $db->Errors->addError("Metadata query failed: No query specified."); return false; } if ($db->DB == "MySQLi") { return mysqliMetadata($db); } else { return mysqlMetadata($db); } } break; default: return false; } return $META; } function mysqlDescribe(& $db, $table) { $db->query("describe ".$table); if (!$db->Query_ID or $db->Errors->toString()){ echo "Hubo error, se muestra? ".$db->Errors->toString()."<br>\n"; $db->Errors->addError("Describe query failed: No query specified."); return false; } $ix = 0; $META = new stdClass(); while($db->next_record()) { $col = strtolower($db->f("field")); $type = $db->f("type"); $precision = 0; $scale = 0; preg_match('#\((.*?)\)#', $type, $match); if (isset($match[0])) { $precision = $match[0]; $type = str_replace($precision,"",$type); $precision = str_replace('(', '', $precision); $precision = str_replace(')', '', $precision); $scale = explode(',',$precision); $precision = $scale[0]; $scale = (isset($scale[1]) ? $scale[1] : 0); } $standarType = MetaStandardType("MYSQLDESC",$type); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ] = new stdClass(); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"type"} = $standarType; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"type_raw"} = $type; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"size"} = $precision; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"precision"} = $precision; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"scale"} = $scale; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"is_null"} = ($db->f("is_null") == "YES" ? true : false); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"flags"} = null; $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"primary_key"} = ($db->f("key") == "PRI" ? true : false); $META->colsbyname[ "$col" ]->{"auto_increment"} = (strpos($db->f("extra"), 'auto_increment') === false ? false : true); $META->cols[ $ix ] = new stdClass(); $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"type"} = $standarType; $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"type_raw"} = $type; $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"size"} = $precision; $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"precision"} = $precision; $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"scale"} = $scale; $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"is_null"} = ($db->f("is_null") == "YES" ? true : false); $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"flags"} = null; $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"primary_key"} = ($db->f("key") == "PRI" ? true : false); $META->cols[ $ix ]->{"auto_increment"} = (strpos($db->f("extra"), 'auto_increment') === false ? false : true); $ix++; } return $META; } function extratTablesOnSQL($SQL) { function getListTable($text) { $text = preg_replace('/\s+/S', " ", $text); $text = preg_replace('/\n\s*\n/', "\n", $text); if (strpos($text, ')')) { $text = substr($text, 0, strpos($text, ')')); } $t_TABLE = '~\bfrom\b\s*(.*)\s*~si'; preg_match_all($t_TABLE, strtolower($text), $matches); $ts = array(); if (isset($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $r) { $wt = strpos($r, ' join '); if ($wt !== false) { return array(); } $wt = strpos($r, ' where '); if ($wt !== false) { $r = substr($r, 0, $wt); } $rs = explode(",", $r); foreach ($rs as $i => $t) { $wt = strpos($t, ' as '); if ($wt !== false) { $rs[$i] = trim(substr($t, 0, $wt)); $t = trim(substr($t, 0, $wt)); $ts[] = trim($t); } else { $t = trim($t); $wt = strpos($t, ' '); if ($wt !== false) { $rs[$i] = trim(substr($t, 0, $wt)); $t = trim(substr($t, 0, $wt)); $ts[] = trim($t); } else { $ts[] = trim($t); } } } } } return $ts; } function getLastChild($levels, & $tables) { if (is_array($levels)) { foreach($levels as $i => $level) { getLastChild($level, $tables); } } else if (is_object($levels)) { if (count($levels->levels) > 0 ) { getLastChild($levels->levels, $tables); } else { $ts = getListTable($levels->text); $tables = array_merge($ts,$tables); return; } } } $x = array(); $x = getFromWhere(strtolower($SQL), $x, 'from', 'where', 0, '(',')'); $tables = array(); getLastChild($x, $tables); return $tables; } function BindEvents() { global $Result; $Result->CCSEvents["BeforeShowRow"] = "ResultBeforeShowRow"; } function ResultBeforeShowRow(& $sender) { $ResultBeforeShowRow = true; $Component = & $sender; $Container = & CCGetParentContainer($sender); global $Result; foreach ($Component->Metadata->colsbyname as $col => $prop) { if ($prop->type == ccsText) { $Component->{$col}->SetValue(str_replace(array("\\", '"', "/", "\n" , "\r", "\t", "\b"), array("\\\\", '\"', '\/', '\\n', '', '\t', '\b'), $Component->{$col}->GetValue())); } } return $ResultBeforeShowRow; } function json_validate($string,$flag=false) { $string = str_replace("\n", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\r", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\t", " ", $string); $result = json_decode($string, $flag); switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: $error = ''; break; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $error = 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $error = 'Invalid or malformed JSON.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $error = 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: $error = 'Syntax error, malformed JSON.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $error = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_RECURSION: $error = 'One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN: $error = 'One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: $error = 'A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given.'; break; default: $error = 'Unknown JSON error occured.'; break; } if ($error !== '') { exit($error); } return $result; } function json_decode_and_validate($string,$in_case_error,$flag=false) { $string = str_replace("\n", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\r", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\t", " ", $string); $result = json_decode($string, $flag); switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: $error = ''; break; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $error = 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $error = 'Invalid or malformed JSON.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $error = 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: $error = 'Syntax error, malformed JSON.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $error = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_RECURSION: $error = 'One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN: $error = 'One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: $error = 'A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given.'; break; default: $error = 'Unknown JSON error occured.'; break; } if ($error !== '') { error_manager($in_case_error." : ".$error, -20301); } return $result; } function error_manager($msg, $code=3, $status = 400) { $e = new stdClass(); $e->{'ERROR'} = new stdClass(); http_response_code($status); if ($msg == '5') { $e->ERROR->{'CODE'} = $code; $e->ERROR->{'MESSAGE'} = "BAD REQUEST $msg"; } else { $e->ERROR->{'CODE'} = $code; $e->ERROR->{'MESSAGE'} = $msg; $e->ERROR->{'USERID'} = CCGetSession("USERID"); } die(json_encode($e)); } function buildWhereCondition() { $filterscount = CCGetParam("filterscount", "0"); $where = ""; if ($filterscount) { $where = " ("; $tmpdatafield = ""; $tmpfilteroperator = ""; $valuesPrep = ""; $values = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $filterscount; $i++) { $filtervalue = CCGetParam("filtervalue" . $i); $filtercondition = CCGetParam("filtercondition" . $i); $filterdatafield = CCGetParam("filterdatafield" . $i); $filteroperator = CCGetParam("filteroperator" . $i); if ($tmpdatafield == "") { $tmpdatafield = $filterdatafield; } else if ($tmpdatafield <> $filterdatafield) { $where .= ")AND("; } else if ($tmpdatafield == $filterdatafield) { if ($tmpfilteroperator == 0) { $where .= " AND "; } else $where .= " OR "; } switch ($filtercondition) { case "CONTAINS": $condition = " LIKE "; $value = "%{$filtervalue}%"; break; case "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN": $condition = " NOT LIKE "; $value = "%{$filtervalue}%"; break; case "EQUAL": $condition = " = "; $value = $filtervalue; break; case "NOT_EQUAL": $condition = " <> "; $value = $filtervalue; break; case "GREATER_THAN": $condition = " > "; $value = $filtervalue; break; case "LESS_THAN": $condition = " < "; $value = $filtervalue; break; case "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL": $condition = " >= "; $value = $filtervalue; break; case "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL": $condition = " <= "; $value = $filtervalue; break; case "STARTS_WITH": $condition = " LIKE "; $value = "{$filtervalue}%"; break; case "ENDS_WITH": $condition = " LIKE "; $value = "%{$filtervalue}"; break; case "NULL": $condition = " IS NULL "; $value = "%{$filtervalue}%"; break; case "NOT_NULL": $condition = " IS NOT NULL "; $value = "%{$filtervalue}%"; break; } $where .= " " . $filterdatafield . $condition . CCToSQL($value, ccsText); if ($i == $filterscount - 1) { $where .= ")"; } $tmpfilteroperator = $filteroperator; $tmpdatafield = $filterdatafield; } } return $where; } function end_of_line($text, $i) { if ($i == strlen($text)-1) { return true; } return false; } function getFromWhere($text, & $levels, $tagOpen = '(', $tagClosed = ')', $level=0, $groupOpen = '', $groupClose = '' ) { $usingGroup = ($groupOpen ? true : false); $inGroup = 0; $max = strlen($text); $start = array(); $end = array(); $start_tag = array(); $end_tag = array(); $i = 0; $open = 0; $close = 0; while ($i <= $max) { if ($usingGroup and substr($text, $i, strlen($groupOpen)) === $groupOpen) { $inGroup++; } else if ($usingGroup and substr($text, $i, strlen($groupClose)) === $groupClose) { $inGroup--; } else if (substr($text, $i, strlen($tagOpen)) === $tagOpen and (!$open or !$inGroup)) { array_push($start, $i); array_push($start_tag, $tagOpen); $open++; } else if (substr($text, $i, strlen($tagClosed)) === $tagClosed and !$inGroup) { array_push($end, $i); array_push($end_tag, $tagClosed); $close++; } if (end_of_line($text, $i)) { array_push($end, $i); array_push($end_tag, ")"); $close++; } if ($open == $close and $open) { while (count($start) > 0) { array_push($levels, new stdClass()); $n = count($levels) - 1; $levels[$n]->start = array_shift($start); $levels[$n]->end = array_pop($end); $levels[$n]->endTag = array_pop($end_tag); $levels[$n]->startTag = array_shift($start_tag); $levels[$n]->text = substr($text, $levels[$n]->start, (($levels[$n]->end + (strlen($levels[$n]->endTag) - 1)) - $levels[$n]->start) + 1); $levels[$n]->levels = array(); getFromWhere( substr($levels[$n]->text, strlen($levels[$n]->startTag), ($levels[$n]->text - (strlen($levels[$n]->endTag)))) , $levels[$n]->levels , $tagOpen , $tagClosed , $level + 1 , $groupOpen , $groupClose); } $open = 0; $close = 0; } $i++; } return $levels; } function APILoginUser($SQL, $loginType = 'LOCAL') { global $BIND; global $PARAMETERS; CCSetSession('USERNAME', null); CCSetSession('USERID', null ); CCSetSession('ROLES', null); global $SYSTEM; $SYSTEM->{'USERNAME'} = CCGetSession('USERNAME'); $SYSTEM->{'USERID'} = CCGetSession('USERID'); $SYSTEM->{'ROLES'} = CCGetSession('ROLES'); $bind = is_object($BIND) ? $BIND : new stdClass(); switch(strtoupper($loginType)) { case "LOCAL" : if (substr($SQL, 0, 1) == ':') { $sqlParsed = clsCore::sqlSplitFromFile(substr($SQL, 1)); $SQL = clsCore::getSqlParsed($sqlParsed, "LOGIN"); } $db = new clsDBdefault(); $SQL = clsCore::getSqlParsed($sqlParsed, "LOGIN"); $SQL = clsCore::sqlSetParameters( $db , $SQL , $bind ); $db->query($SQL); if ($db->Errors->ToString()) { error_manager($db->Errors->ToString(), -20101); } clsCore::getBindValues($db); if (isset($sqlParsed["ROLES"])) { $SQL = clsCore::getSqlParsed($sqlParsed, "roles"); $bind->{'username'} = $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"}->value; $bind->{'userid'} = $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"}->value; $bind->{'roles'} = $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->value; $SQL = clsCore::sqlSetParameters( $db , $SQL , $bind ); $db->query($SQL); while (clsCore::simplifyNextRecord($db)) { if (!is_array($PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->value)) $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->value = array(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->value[] = $db->Record['role']; } } break; case "DATABASE" : $db = new clsDBdefault($bind->username, $bind->password); $connect = $db->Provider->try_connect(); if (!$connect) error_manager("Invalid username/password for DATABASE Login", "SYS-"."0001"); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"} = new stdClass(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"}->value = $bind->username; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"}->original_name = 'username'; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"} = new stdClass(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->value = 'CONNECTED'; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->original_name = 'roles'; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"} = new stdClass(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"}->value = $bind->username; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"}->original_name = 'userid'; break; case "OS" : $authorized = false; $file = dirname(__FILE__). "/.htpasswd"; function crypt_apr1_md5($plainpasswd, $crypted) { $salt = substr($crypted, 6, strpos(substr($crypted,6), '$')); $translateTo = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $len = strlen($plainpasswd); $text = $plainpasswd.'$apr1$'.$salt; $bin = pack("H32", md5($plainpasswd.$salt.$plainpasswd)); $tmp="" ; for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i -= 16) { $text .= substr($bin, 0, min(16, $i)); } for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i >>= 1) { $text .= ($i & 1) ? chr(0) : $plainpasswd{0}; } $bin = pack("H32", md5($text)); for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $new = ($i & 1) ? $plainpasswd : $bin; if ($i % 3) $new .= $salt; if ($i % 7) $new .= $plainpasswd; $new .= ($i & 1) ? $bin : $plainpasswd; $bin = pack("H32", md5($new)); } for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $k = $i + 6; $j = $i + 12; if ($j == 16) $j = 5; $tmp = $bin[$i].$bin[$k].$bin[$j].$tmp; } $tmp = chr(0).chr(0).$bin[11].$tmp; $tmp = strtr(strrev(substr(base64_encode($tmp), 2)), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", $translateTo); return '$apr1$'.$salt.'$'.$tmp; } function load_htpasswd($file) { if ( !file_exists($file)) return Array(); $res = Array(); foreach(file($file) as $l) { $array = explode(':',$l); $user = $array[0]; $pass = chop($array[1]); $res[$user] = $pass; } return $res; } if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { $pass = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; $user = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $users = load_htpasswd($file); if (isset($users[$user])) { $pass = crypt_apr1_md5($pass, $users[$user]); if (isset($users[$user]) && ($users[$user] == $pass)) { $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"} = new stdClass(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"}->value = $user; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"}->original_name = 'username'; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"} = new stdClass(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->value = ''; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->original_name = 'roles'; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"} = new stdClass(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"}->value = $user; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"}->original_name = 'userid'; $authorized = true; } } if (!$authorized) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm="Login please"'); $_SESSION = array(); error_manager("Invalid username/password for OS Login", "SYS-002"); } } else { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm="Login please"'); $_SESSION = array(); error_manager("Well formed Basic Authentication required", "SYS-101", 401); } break; default : error_manager(-20101, "Invalid Login type $loginType"); break; } unset($PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.PASSWORD"}); CCSetSession('USERNAME', $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERNAME"}->value ); CCSetSession('USERID', $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.USERID"}->value ); CCSetSession('USERROLES', $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.ROLES"}->value ); global $SYSTEM; $SYSTEM->{'USERNAME'} = CCGetSession('USERNAME'); $SYSTEM->{'USERID'} = CCGetSession('USERID'); $SYSTEM->{'USERROLES'} = CCGetSession('USERROLES'); global $CONFIG; if ($CONFIG->autenticationmethod == 'TOKEN') { $token = array( "iss" => "API5" ,"sub" => "API5" ,"aud" => "user" ,"iat" => time() ,"exp" => time()+ (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) ,"nbf" => 1357000000 ,"uid" => $SYSTEM->USERID ,"data" => '{"username":"'.$SYSTEM->USERNAME.'"' .', "userroles":'.(is_array($SYSTEM->USERROLES) ? json_encode($SYSTEM->ROLES) : '"'.$SYSTEM->USERROLES.'"' ).'}' ); $jwt = JWT::encode($token, $CONFIG->tokenKey); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.TOKEN"} = new stdClass(); $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.TOKEN"}->value = $jwt; $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.TOKEN"}->original_name = 'token'; CCSetSession('USERTOKEN', $PARAMETERS->{"PARAMETERS.TOKEN"}->value ); global $SYSTEM; $SYSTEM->{'USERTOKEN'} = CCGetSession('USERTOKEN'); } $result = clsCore::getBindResult($db); clsCore::returnJson( false , false , false , false , false , $result ); return $result; } ?>