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Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Polr Restful API
Provide an API for the Polr URL shortener service
Author: By
Last change: Change on an API endpoint.
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 17,438 bytes



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Polr API v2.0.0

Restful API for the Polr URL Shortener


Delete a link

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<p>Delete the link with the given ending.</p>

DELETE /links/:ending

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to delete links.</p>|

Error 404

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | NotFound | Object | <p>Unable to find a link with the given ending.</p>|

Get Admin Links

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<p>Fetch a paginated list of links. The input parameters are those of the Datatables library.</p>

GET /links

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | draw | Integer | optional<p>The draw option.</p>| | columns | Object | optional<p>The table columns.</p>| | order | Object | optional<p>The data ordering.</p>| | start | Integer | optional<p>The data offset.</p>| | length | Integer | optional<p>The data count.</p>| | search | Object | optional<p>The search options.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Object | <p>The link list.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to list links.</p>|

Get User Links

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<p>Fetch a paginated list of links. The input parameters are those of the Datatables library.</p>

GET /users/me/links

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | draw | Integer | optional<p>The draw option.</p>| | columns | Object | optional<p>The table columns.</p>| | order | Object | optional<p>The data ordering.</p>| | start | Integer | optional<p>The data offset.</p>| | length | Integer | optional<p>The data count.</p>| | search | Object | optional<p>The search options.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Mixed | <p>The link list.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to list links.</p>|

Lookup Link

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GET /links/:ending

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>| | secret | String | optional<p>The link secret.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Object | <p>The link data.</p>|

Error 404

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | NotFound | Object | <p>Unable to find a link with the given ending.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>Invalid URL code given for a secret URL.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|

Shorten a link

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<p>Create a shortened URL for a given link</p>

POST /links

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>| | url | String | <p>The link to shorten.</p>| | ending | String | optional<p>A custom ending for the link.</p>| | secret | String | optional<p>Create a secret link or not.</p>| | ip | String | optional<p>The IP address the request came from.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Mixed | <p>The shortened URL.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | CreationError | Object | <p>An error occurs while shortening the link.</p>| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|

Update a link

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<p>Update the link with the given ending.</p>

PUT /links/:ending

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>| | url | String | optional<p>The new URL.</p>| | status | String | optional<p>The status change: enable, disable or toggle.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to edit the link.</p>|

Error 404

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | NotFound | Object | <p>Unable to find a link with the given ending.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|


Get Link Stats

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<p>Fetch stats of a given type for a single link.</p>

GET /links/:ending/stats

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>| | type | String | <p>The type of stats to fetch.</p>| | ending | String | <p>The short URL id of the link.</p>| | left_bound | String | <p>The start date.</p>| | right_bound | String | <p>The end date.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Mixed | <p>The stats data.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to view stats.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AnalyticsError | Object | <p>An error occurs while fetching stats from the database.</p>| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|

Get Stats

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<p>Fetch stats of a given type.</p>

GET /stats

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>| | type | String | <p>The type of stats to fetch.</p>| | left_bound | String | <p>The start date.</p>| | right_bound | String | <p>The end date.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Mixed | <p>The stats data.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to view stats.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AnalyticsError | Object | <p>An error occurs while fetching stats from the database.</p>| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|


Change API Settings

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<p>Change the API Settings of the user with the given id.</p>

PUT /users/:id/api

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>| | quota | String | optional<p>The new API quota.</p>| | status | String | optional<p>The API access change: enable, disable or toggle.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Object | <p>The updated user data.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to edit the user.</p>|

Error 404

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | NotFound | Object | <p>Unable to find a user with the given id.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|

Generate Key

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<p>Generate a new API access key for the user with the given id.</p>

POST /users/:id/api

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Mixed | <p>The updated user data.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to edit the user.</p>|

Error 404

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | NotFound | Object | <p>Unable to find a user with the given id.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|

Get a User

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<p>Get the user with the given id</p>

GET /users/:id

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Object | <p>The user data.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to get users.</p>|

Error 404

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | NotFound | Object | <p>Unable to find a user with the given id.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|

Get Users

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<p>Fetch a paginated list of users. The input parameters are those of the Datatables library.</p>

GET /users

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | draw | Integer | optional<p>The draw option.</p>| | columns | Object | optional<p>The table columns.</p>| | order | Object | optional<p>The data ordering.</p>| | start | Integer | optional<p>The data offset.</p>| | length | Integer | optional<p>The data count.</p>| | search | Object | optional<p>The search options.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Object | <p>The user list.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to list users.</p>|

Update a user

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<p>Update the user with the given id.</p>

PUT /users/:id

Parameter Parameters

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | key | String | <p>The user API key.</p>| | role | String | optional<p>The new role.</p>| | status | String | optional<p>The user status change: enable, disable or toggle.</p>|

Success 200

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | message | String | <p>The response message.</p>| | settings | Object | <p>The Polr instance config options.</p>| | result | Object | <p>The updated user data.</p>|

Error 401

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | AccessDenied | Object | <p>The user does not have permission to edit the user.</p>|

Error 404

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | NotFound | Object | <p>Unable to find a user with the given id.</p>|

Error 400

| Name | Type | Description | |:---------|:-----------|:--------------------------------------| | MissingParameters | Object | <p>There is a missing or invalid parameter.</p>|