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File: calcul/js/translations/security/pl.json

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File: calcul/js/translations/security/pl.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: G6K
Generate simulator tools to perform calculations
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,490 bytes



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{ "translations": {"pl":{"security":{"An authentication exception occurred.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d uwierzytelniania.","Authentication credentials could not be found.":"Dane uwierzytelniania nie zosta\u0142y znalezione.","Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.":"\u017b\u0105danie uwierzytelniania nie mog\u0142o zosta\u0107 pomy\u015blnie zako\u0144czone z powodu problemu z systemem.","Invalid credentials.":"Nieprawid\u0142owe dane.","Cookie has already been used by someone else.":"To ciasteczko jest u\u017cywane przez kogo\u015b innego.","Not privileged to request the resource.":"Brak uprawnie\u0144 dla \u017c\u0105dania wskazanego zasobu.","Invalid CSRF token.":"Nieprawid\u0142owy token CSRF.","Digest nonce has expired.":"Kod dost\u0119pu wygas\u0142.","No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.":"Nie znaleziono mechanizmu uwierzytelniania zdolnego do obs\u0142ugi przes\u0142anego tokenu.","No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.":"Brak danych sesji, sesja wygas\u0142a lub ciasteczka nie s\u0105 w\u0142\u0105czone.","No token could be found.":"Nie znaleziono tokenu.","Username could not be found.":"U\u017cytkownik o podanej nazwie nie istnieje.","Account has expired.":"Konto wygas\u0142o.","Credentials have expired.":"Dane uwierzytelniania wygas\u0142y.","Account is disabled.":"Konto jest wy\u0142\u0105czone.","Account is locked.":"Konto jest zablokowane."}}} }