$yq = new yahooquest("91 State rt 23","Riverdale","NJ","07457","us");
//returnlink function will return a hyperlink to the respective map
//first argument determines the map you want to use
//$map can be "y" for yahoo or "m" for mapquest "b" returns an array with both map links
echo "<br>Yahoo Maps Link<br>";
echo $yq->returnlink("y","200 Old Tappan Road","Old Tappan","NJ","07675");
echo "<br>Mapquest Link<br>";
echo $yq->returnlink("m","200 Old Tappan Road","Old Tappan","NJ","07675");
echo "<br>Both links returned<br>";
$maps = $yq->returnlink("b","200 Old Tappan Road","Old Tappan","NJ","07675");
echo $maps['mapquest']."<br>";
echo $maps['yahoo']."<br>";
//gotomaplink function will redirect the page to the respective map
//uncomment the lines below to h the page redirect
//$yq->gotomaplink("y","200 Old Tappan Road","Old Tappan","NJ","07675");
//$yq->gotomaplink("m","200 Old Tappan Road","Old Tappan","NJ","07675");