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File: example.php

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  Classes of Luciano Salvino   PHP Edit Subtitles Class   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Edit Subtitles Class
Edit video subtitles in SRT and VTT formats
Author: By
Last change: New convert from SRT to VTT format
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,103 bytes



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$st = new phpEditSubtitles();

// set output type to vtt (it will convert from srt to vtt type)

// Edit subtitle on position 23
// IMPORTANT: it will reordenate the time. If the amount of time is smaller than $timeIni or bigger than $timeEnd the request will not be processed
$order = 23;
$timeIni = '00:01:10,880';
$timeEnd = '00:01:18,830';
$subtitle = 'Edit subtitle';

// remove subtitle on position 25

// add subtitle on position 25
// IMPORTANT: it will reordenate the time. If the amount of time is smaller than $timeIni or bigger than $timeEnd the request will not be processed
$order = 25;
$timeIni = '00:01:31,010';
$timeEnd = '00:01:32,790';
$subtitle = 'New subtitle';

// save subtitles in a new file

// get array of subtitles
$subtitles = $st->getSubtitles();
