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File: secureURL.php

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  Classes of Bao Nguyen Quoc   Secure URL 2.0   secureURL.php   Download  
File: secureURL.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class
Class: Secure URL 2.0
Encrypt the parameters passed in link URLs
Author: By
Last change: - Fix url encoding
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 14,073 bytes



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<?php /** * SecureURL * Auto encode and decode URL query string * * You can use this class in your application or * modify it to suite your need as long as you keep * my name as orginal author. * * If you find any bugs or have new ideas, feel * free to contact me ;) * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> * @version 2.0 */ /** * SecureURL class * Auto encode and decode URL query string * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ class SecureURL { /** * URL Filter array * * @var array of URL_Filter */ protected static $filters = array(); /** * URL Parser * * @var array of URL_Parser */ protected static $parsers = array(); /** * Encoder * * @var Encoder */ protected static $encoder = null; /** * Query key * * @var string */ protected static $query_key = "crypt"; /** * Public variables array * * @var string */ protected static $public_variables = array(); /** * Default include flag for filter checking * * @var bool */ protected static $default_filter_include = true; /** * ForceEncode option * * @var bool */ protected static $force_encode_url = true; /** * ProtectMode option * * @var bool */ protected static $protect_mode = true; /** * Initialize SecureURL class * * @param URL_Encoder $encoder */ public static function Initialize(URL_Encoder $encoder) { self::$encoder = $encoder; $public_variables = self::$public_variables; $query_key = self::$query_key; $protect_mode = self::$protect_mode; ob_start("__secureURL_output_callback"); //-- begin decode --// global $HTTP_GET_VARS,$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $global_flag = (ini_get("register_globals")); //remove $_REQUEST index from $_GET foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $key) { if (@$_REQUEST[$key] == $_GET[$key]) { unset($_REQUEST[$key]); } if ($global_flag && @$GLOBALS[$key] == $_GET[$key]) { unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } } if (isset($_GET[$query_key])) { $encodedquery = $_GET[$query_key]; unset($_GET[$query_key]); } $old_query = $_GET; if (isset($encodedquery) && $encoder->isValidEncodedString($encodedquery)) { $query = $encoder->decodeString($encodedquery); $query = html_entity_decode($query,ENT_QUOTES); @parse_str($query,$_GET); foreach ($public_variables as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key,$old_query)) { $_GET[$key] = $old_query[$key]; } unset($old_query[$key]); } if (!$protect_mode) { foreach ($old_query as $key => $value) { $_GET[$key] = $value; } } } else { $encodedquery = null; if ($protect_mode) { $_GET = array(); } } //rebuild the query $query = ""; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $query .= urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode($value) . "&"; } //fix the $_REQUEST variable foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($key,$_REQUEST)) { $_REQUEST[$key] = $value; } if ($global_flag && !array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS)) { $GLOBALS[$key] = $value; } } $HTTP_GET_VARS = $_GET; //fix the $_SERVER variable $bits = @parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = @$bits['path'] . "?" . $query; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $query; $_SERVER['argv'] = array($query); $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'] = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['argv'] = $_SERVER['argv']; if ($global_flag) { $GLOBALS['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $GLOBALS['QUERY_STRING'] = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } //-- end decode --// } /** * Set public variables * Variables accepted from query string * * @param array $vars */ public static function setPublicVariables($vars) { if (!is_array($vars)) { $vars = array(); } self::$public_variables = $vars; } /** * Add public variable * * @param string $var */ public static function addPublicVariable($var) { self::$public_variables[] = $var; } /** * Set query key * * @param string $key */ public static function setQueryKey($key) { self::$query_key = $key; } /** * When no filter matchs the given URL * secureURL will use this option to decide * whether to encode the URL or not * * @param bool $include */ public static function setFilterIncludeOption($include) { self::$default_filter_include = $include; } /** * Force secureURL to encode URL through their are * no parser can read the text * * @param bool $force */ public static function setForceEncodeOption($force) { self::$force_encode_url = $force; } /** * Enable protect mode * When protect mode is enabled, only encrypted * variables and public variables are accepted * * @param bool $enable */ public static function setProtectMode($enable) { self::$protect_mode = $enable; } /** * Add an URL Filter * * @param URL_Filter $filter */ public static function addFilter(URL_Filter $filter) { self::$filters[] = $filter; } /** * Add an URL Parser * * @param URL_Parser $parser */ public static function addParser(URL_Parser $parser) { self::$parsers[] = $parser; } /** * Process URL and encode it * * @param string $url * @return string */ public static function processURL($url) { /* @var $filter URL_Filter */ $parser = null; $filter = null; $url = html_entity_decode($url); foreach (self::$parsers as $check_parser) { if ($check_parser->isReadable($url)) { $parser = $check_parser; break; } } if ($parser == null) { if (self::$force_encode_url) { $parser = new URL_Parser_Simple(); self::$parsers[] = $parser; } else { return $url; } } $read_url = $parser->Read($url); if (count(self::$filters)) { foreach (self::$filters as $check_filter) { if ($check_filter->match($read_url)) { $filter = $check_filter; break; } } } if ((!isset($filter) && self::$default_filter_include) || (isset($filter) && $filter->isAllow())) { $read_url = self::encodeURL($read_url,(isset($filter) ? $filter->getPublicVariables() : array())); } return htmlspecialchars($parser->Render($read_url),ENT_QUOTES); } /** * Encode URL * * @param string $url * @param array $public_variables * * @return string */ public static function encodeURL($url,$public_variables=array()) { if (($pos = strpos($url,"?")) !== false) { $query = substr($url,$pos + 1); $public_query = ""; if ($public_variables) { @parse_str($query,$vars); foreach ($public_variables as $var) { if (array_key_exists($var,$vars)) { $public_query .= "&$var=" . urlencode($vars[$var]); } } } //-- begin encode --// $encoder =& self::$encoder; $query = self::$query_key . "=" . urlencode($encoder->encodeString($query)) . $public_query; //-- end encode --// $url = substr($url,0,$pos) . "?" . $query; } return $url; } } /*---------------------------------------- URL Parser class ----------------------------------------*/ /** * URL Parser class * Read and render custom url format (eg: URL in javascript) * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ abstract class URL_Parser { /** * Return TRUE if the URL can be * read by this parser * * @param string $text * @return bool */ abstract public function isReadable($text); /** * Read and return the URL * * @param string $url * @return string */ abstract public function read($text); /** * Rerender the text from URL * * @param string $url * @return string */ abstract public function render($url); } /** * Default URL Reader * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ class URL_Parser_Simple extends URL_Parser { public function IsReadAble($text) { //only encode HTTP Link if (strtolower(substr($text,0,7)) == "http://" || strtolower(substr($text,0,8)) == "https://") { return true; } if (strtolower(substr($text,0,11)) == "javascript:") { return false; } if (strtolower(substr($text,0,7) == "mailto:")) { return false; } return (strpos($text,"://") === false); } public function Read($text) { return ($text); } public function Render($url) { return ($url); } } /*---------------------------------------- URL Filter class ----------------------------------------*/ /** * URL Filter class * Add filter to include or exclue URL being encoded * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ abstract class URL_Filter { /** * Public query variables * * @var array */ protected $public_variables = array(); /** * Include this filter or not * * @var string */ protected $filter_include = true; /** * Set public variables * * @param array $vars */ public function setPublicVariables($vars) { if (!is_array($vars)) { $vars = array(); } $this->public_variables = $vars; } /** * Return the array of public variables * * @return array */ public function getPublicVariables() { return $this->public_variables; } /** * Add public variable * * @param string $var */ public function addPublicVariable($var) { $this->public_variables[] = $var; } /** * Set filter include option * * @param bool $include */ public function setFilterIncludeOption($include) { $this->filter_include = $include; } /** * Return TRUE if this URL is allow * to include * * @return bool */ public function isAllow() { return $this->filter_include; } /** * Match the URL with pattern * * @param string $url * @return bool */ public abstract function match($url); } /** * Simple filter, compare by host and path of the URL * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ class URL_Filter_Simple extends URL_Filter { protected $host,$path,$check_www; public function __construct($host,$path=null,$check_www=true,$include=true) { if ($check_www && substr($host,0,4) == "www.") { $host = substr($host,4); } if ($path != null) { $path = strtolower($path); } $this->host = strtolower($host); $this->path = $path; $this->check_www = $check_www; $this->setFilterIncludeOption($include); } public function match($url) { $bits = @parse_url($url); $host = strtolower(@$bits['host']); $path = strtolower(@$bits['path']); if ($host != $this->host && ($this->check_www && $host != "www." . $this->host)) { return false; } if ($this->path !== null) { if (substr($path,0,strlen($this->path)) != $this->path) { return false; } } return true; } } /*---------------------------------------- Encoder class ----------------------------------------*/ /** * Encoder Interface * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ interface URL_Encoder { public function encodeString($string); public function decodeString($string); public function isValidEncodedString($string); } /** * Base64 encoder * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ class URL_Encoder_Base64 implements URL_Encoder { public function encodeString($string) { return base64_encode($string); } public function decodeString($string) { return base64_decode($string); } public function isValidEncodedString($string) { return true; } } /** * Encoder using XOR Algorism * * @author Nguyen Quoc Bao <> */ class URL_Encoder_XOR implements URL_Encoder { protected $key = ""; protected $use_hash = false; protected $seperator = ":"; /** * Constructor * * @param string $key * @param bool $use_hash */ public function __construct($key,$use_hash=true) { $this->key = $key; $this->use_hash = $use_hash; } public function encodeString($string) { $crypt = $this->crypt($string,$this->key); if ($this->use_hash) { $crypt .= $this->seperator . $this->hash($crypt); } return base64_encode($crypt); } public function decodeString($string) { $string = base64_decode($string); if ($this->use_hash) { $string = explode($this->seperator,$string); if (count($string) < 2) return null; array_pop($string); //remove hash string $string = implode($this->seperator,$string); } return $this->crypt($string,$this->key); } public function isValidEncodedString($string) { if ($this->use_hash) { $string = base64_decode($string); $string = explode($this->seperator,$string); if (count($string) < 2) return false; $hash = array_pop($string); //remove hash string $string = implode($this->seperator,$string); if ($hash != $this->hash($string)) { return false; } } return true; } protected function hash($text) { return dechex(crc32(md5($text) . md5($this->key))); } protected function crypt($text,$key) { $key = md5($key); $crypt = ""; $j = 0; $k = strlen($key); for ($i=0;$i<strlen($text);$i++) { $crypt .= chr(ord($text[$i]) ^ ord($key[$j])); $j++; if ($j >= $k) $j = 0; } return $crypt; } } /*---------------------------------------- Callback function, used by PHP functions ----------------------------------------*/ function __secureURL_output_callback($content) { $content = preg_replace_callback('/(href|src|action)=(["\'])([^<>]+)\\2/iU' , '__secureURL_regexp_callback1' , $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('/(href|src|action)=([^" <>\']+)/iU' , '__secureURL_regexp_callback2' , $content); return $content; } function __secureURL_regexp_callback1($matches) { $url = $matches['3']; $url = SecureURL::processURL($url); return $matches[1] . "=\"" . $url . "\""; } function __secureURL_regexp_callback2($matches) { $url = $matches['2']; $url = SecureURL::processURL($url); return $matches[1] . "=\"" . $url . "\""; } ?>