PHP Classes

Extract date, location and time from text: Parse a web page for date time and location

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Extract date, location and time from text


Picture of Jasmine Minj by Jasmine Minj - Yesterday (2016-03-09)

Parse a web page for date time and location

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I want to parse a Web page that contains date and time and location using PHP and store it in SQL table.

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1 Recommendation

Advanced HTML Dom: Parse HTML and XML documents into DOM objects

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 12365 - 9 hours ago (2016-03-10) Comment

You may want to try this class that can parse HTML documents and lets you retrieve the data from elements using selectors that could be like CSS selectors or XPATH, so it can extract data like jQuery but in PHP.

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