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Potato ORM: Store and retrieve objects in databases using ORM

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2015-12-18 (10 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 114 This week: 1All time: 8,401 This week: 1,047Up
Version License PHP version Categories
potato-orm 1.0.0BSD License5PHP 5, Databases, Design Patterns
Description Author

This package can store and retrieve objects in databases using ORM.

It provides a base model class that can be extended by applications to create entity classes that can perform different operations to store and retrieve objects from a database table.

Currently it can get all records of a table, get one object by id or that has a given value in a field, save an object to the database table, delete one object.

This package can also create database tables with support to foreign keys.

The database is access using PDO. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

Picture of adeniyi ibraheem
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Potato-ORM is a package that manages the CRUD operation of database. Potato-ORM currently supports MYSQL, POSTGRES and SQLITE Database.


PHP 5.5+ and Composer are required.

Via Composer

$ composer require ibonly/potato-orm

$ composer install


App Namespace

    namespace Ibonly\PotatoORM

Create a Class that correspond to the singular form of the table name in the database. i.e.

    namespace Ibonly\PotatoORM;

    class User extends Model


The Model class contains getAll(), where($field, $value), find($value), save() and detroy($id) methods.


    use Ibonly\PotatoORM\User;

    $sugar = new User();
    echo $sugar->getAll();

Return type = JSON

where($field, $value)

    use Ibonly\PotatoORM\User;

    $sugar = new User();
    echo $sugar->where($field, $value);

Return type = JSON


    use Ibonly\PotatoORM\User;

    $insert = User::find(1);
    $insert->password = "password";
    echo $insert->save()

To return custom message, wrap the `save()` method in an `if statement`

Return type = Boolean


    use Ibonly\PotatoORM\User;

    $insert = new User();
    $insert->id = NULL;
    $insert->username = "username";
    $insert->email = "";
    $insert->password = "password";
    echo $insert->save();

To return custom message, wrap the `save()` method in an `if statement`

Return type = Boolean


    use Ibonly\PotatoORM\User;

    $insert = User::destroy(2);

Return type = Boolean

Create Database Table

Its is also possible to create Database Table with the Schema class. The table name will be specified in the createTable($name) method.

    use Ibonly\PotatoORM\Schema;

    $user = new Schema;
    $user->field('increments', 'id');
    $user->field('strings', 'username');
    $user->field('strings', 'name', 50);
    $user->field('integer', 'age');
    $user->field('primaryKey', 'id');

    echo $table->createTable('players');
Return type = Boolean

Database Constraint

Foreign Key

    $user->field('foreignKey', 'id', 'users_id');

The reference table `(users)` and field `(id)` will be written as `(users_id)`


    $user->field('unique', 'email')


$ vendor/bin/phpunit test


To contribute and extend the scope of this package, Please check out CONTRIBUTING file for detailed contribution guidelines.


Potato-ORM is created and maintained by Ibraheem ADENIYI.

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