PHP Classes

PHP Array Map class: Manipulate arrays in a memory efficient way

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2014-05-02 (2 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 393 All time: 6,273 This week: 935Up
Version License PHP version Categories
array-map 0.2GNU General Publi...5.2PHP 5, Data types
Description Author

This package can manipulate arrays in a memory efficient way.

It provides classes implement the interfaces so its objects can be manipulate like regular array values, but internally elements are stored in memory efficient ways.

Two special array element storage modes use SplFixedArray to optimize arrays using a pre-defined size, and in the binary mode it uses PHP memory stream wrapper to store array elements as compact memory entries.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2013
Number 6

Prize: One year Codenvy Developer hosted cloud IDE premium plan
Arrays are often used to manipulate large sets of information.

When the data sets are too large, they may take too much memory and slow down array manipulation operations.

This class implements a solution that is more efficient than using the regular PHP arrays. It may use either fixed sized arrays or the memory stream wrapper to store a more compact version of the array elements in memory.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Andrew Shcherbakov
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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